How To Secure Your Home While On Holiday?

March 25, 2025
How To Secure Your Home While On Holiday?

How to Secure Your Home When on Holiday

We all need a holiday from time to time. Whether it’s an exciting adventure, cultural exploration, or just a relaxing break on the beach, a change of environment is essential for keeping our minds healthy and happy.

Of course, this means leaving your precious home unguarded for at least a few days. And that’s fine, provided you’ve taken the necessary precautions. The last thing you need on your relaxing holiday is stress and worry about break-ins and burglary!

So, to put your mind at ease, we’ve made a short checklist of things you can do to secure your home before you go away.

Review them individually to find the right solutions for your particular property type and location.

Check on Your Home and Property Insurance

Now’s a great time to revisit your home and property insurance. Is it still the most suitable coverage for your current circumstances? Can you negotiate a better or more comprehensive plan?

Knowing that your insurance company has you fully covered if something goes wrong is incredibly reassuring. Look for the best possible deal to fit your current budget.

Let Your Neighbours Know

Do you have a good relationship with your neighbours? If so, now is the time to get their support to keep an eye on things while you’re away. They’ll be happy to keep an eye on your home and report any issues while you’re away.

Ultimately, this is beneficial for them too. A safe, crime-free community is in everyone’s interest. Plus, they’ll know they can call in a favour when they want to go away for a few day’s break themselves.

Avoid Broadcasting Your Plans

You’re excited about your trip, but there may be more people monitoring your and your friends’ socials than you realise. When Kim Kardashian was robbed of over $5 million in designer jewellery, robbers admitted to using social media and “information from someone close to her” to follow her movements. The message is clear: keep your travel plans private, and save posting those vacation pics for your return.

Invest in a Secure Safe

After breaking in, most thieves head straight for the bedroom. Why? Because this is where most of us keep our most valuable possessions. After all, it’s our most personal and protected space.

With this in mind, investing in a small but secure safe box is a good idea. Make sure your safe box is firmly mounted to a solid base, such as a wall or heavy object, so it can’t be quickly removed. And as tempting as it may be, never, ever write down your code.

Hide Your Valuables

Burglars generally weigh risks against rewards when contemplating a break-in. While smaller valuables can go in your safe, consider placing larger valuable items in secure storage. For example, you can ask your bank to take care of that silver tea service or ask your art-dealer to store your most precious paintings while you’re away. You can also move items that can be seen through windows out of sight so that they’re out of temptation’s way.

Secure All Windows and Doors

Unsecured doors and windows are the most common points of entry during break-ins. Double-check your hinges, knobs, and locks before leaving, and consider investing in extra security measures.

Even when you’re home, having secure windows and doors is a comfort - especially when things go bump in the night. If you haven’t considered security doors and security windows yet, talk to us about our certified security doors.

Among our top tips for home security while on vacation: if it takes a long time for burglars to gain entry, or if they have to make a lot of noise to do so, they’ll often pick a softer target. We’re happy to say our security doors and windows will take quite a beating over a protracted time, making them a burglar’s worst enemy.

Make Your Home Look Occupied

When prospective intruders know that a home is unoccupied, they’ll see it as a golden opportunity. They can take their time breaking in, discovering your valuables, and there’s little fear that they’ll be discovered in the process. Deter them by making your home look occupied.

Put light switches and televisions on timer switches so that they’ll turn on and off as if someone were at home, or use smart home features to do the job for you. Curtains that remain open or closed are also a sign of your absence. You can get simple systems that will open and close your curtains on schedule - or your friendly neighbours may be able to help.

Have somebody check that your entrance isn’t getting cluttered with mail or delivered items like newspapers - another sure sign that you aren’t home.

Get Home Monitoring Cameras

Previously, cameras were only used to monitor industrial facilities, warehouses, shopping centres, and banks. However, monitoring equipment has become much more affordable and accessible to the public.

Depending on your budget, you can invest in all kinds of devices, from small doorbell cameras to a network of CCTV monitors located in different areas of your property. These can be hooked up to a live feed on a mobile app or streamed to a specialised security service that can respond immediately to suspicious activity.

Instal a Noisy Alarm System

If there’s one thing that burglars hate, it’s anything that makes a noise. Noisy alarm systems fit the bill, and they can sound the alert at an alarm receiving centre which can call the police on your behalf. Chances are, the burglars will be gone by the time the police arrive, but your home will be safe and that’s what matters most.

Check Fencing and Gates

An outer perimeter around your home is essential for privacy and security. A fence or some hedging of at least 5 feet high will discourage intruders who don’t want to be seen trying to climb over. Check your perimeter for structural integrity and possible weak points. Entry points such as gates and doors should be secure enough to withstand a strong kick or battering action and can be monitored with cameras.

Fencing and gates are your first line of protection, so make an effort to secure them properly. A strong perimeter will discourage thieves from even thinking about entering your property, especially if they can’t see what’s waiting for them inside.

Check Outdoor Lighting and Prune the Shrubbery

Outdoor lights with motion sensors will switch themselves on if prowlers are investigating your home. Burglars don’t want to be seen, so make sure that your lighting is in good working order before you go away. As an added precaution, prune shrubs that may be used for concealment and keep the line of sight between the street and your house as open as possible.

Lock Tools and Ladders Away and Secure Your Garage

Leaving tools unsecured doesn’t just mean they can be stolen - burglars can use them to break into your home. The police always advise people to keep tools locked away, and it will be extra important to do so while you’re away.

Most people store tools in their garages, and doors between garages and homes are often less well-protected besides being hidden from passersby. Ensure that your garage door is secure. For example, our secure garage doors come with high-quality locking systems, and they’re designed to resist attempts to pry them open.

Stay Safe With Stronghold Security Doors

Extra security isn’t just for carefree holidays. It’s great knowing that your home is protected from invasion at all times. While alarm systems, cameras, vigilant neighbours and a few simple security measures may well be sufficient as home security tips for when you’re on holiday, we recommend taking a longer view.

Police research shows that security doors can reduce the incidence of burglaries by up to 75 percent. Add our security windows into the equation, and you’re safer than ever before. Plus, you needn’t worry about owning a home that looks like Fort Knox. Our secure doors hide their secrets behind sleek finishes that perfectly match your home’s aesthetic. While burglars will definitely not love them, you will!